Tuesday 30 June 2015

Hero of my life

21st June was Father's Day. A special day for all the fathers.

On Father's Day I didn't know about it. When i got to know I could only wish him. But, for me, everyday is Father's Day while the whole world celebrates it only once a year.

My father teaches me that there will be lots of difficulties in life and how to face them. He says, "don't compare rich and poor, everybody is equal. You need to know how to forgive." 

When I was a baby, he was scared to pick me up because he was concern about me and thought that if i fall off his lap or get injured. The first time he took me was when I was little more than two months old. 

He always stands beside me in troubles. He is a busy man but he takes out some time from his busy schedule to spend time with me. When I watch a movie, he will make sure that he watches the movie with me. He becomes a friend when it comes to rides, he always goes with me. 

If he makes a promise, the whole wide world can go upside down but he will never break his promise. He does so much for me but, in return , he will only want to see me smiling. He is a good husband, good son and a good friend but for me he is the best daddy ever!

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